Using Dial Plan Tags for Call Setup Rules

You can use Dial Plan tags in Call Setup rules, configured in the Call Setup Rules table (see Configuring Call Setup Rules).

You can assign the Call Setup rule to an IP Group. The device runs the Call Setup rule for the source IP Group to which the incoming SIP dialog is classified, immediately before the routing process (i.e., Classification > Manipulation > Dial Plan table > Call Setup rules > Routing). The result of the Call Setup rule (i.e., source or destination tag) can be used in the IP-to-IP Routing table for any of the following:

As matching characteristics to find a suitable IP-to-IP Routing rule (initial route). To implement this, configure the rule's 'Source Tag' or 'Destination Tag' parameters to the resultant tag of the Call Setup rule.
To determine the destination of the IP-to-IP Routing rule (initial route). To implement this, configure the rule's 'Destination Type' parameter to Destination Tag and the 'Routing Tag Name' parameter to the resultant tag of the Call Setup rule. The SIP dialog is sent to the IP Group that is configured with this same tag ('Tags' parameter in the IP Groups table).

When tags are used to determine the route's destination: If the IP-to-IP Routing rule (initial route) is also configured with a Call Setup rule ('Call Setup Rules Set ID' parameter) and it results in a different tag, and additional IP-to-IP Routing rules are configured as alternative routes ('Alternative Route Options' parameter), or the initial route is also configured with call forking ('Group Policy' is Forking), and the 'Destination Type' for these rules is configured to Destination Tag, then this new tag is used for the destination (instead of the tag used for the initial route).

You can configure Call Setup rules to query the Dial Plan table for a specified key (prefix) in a specified Dial Plan to obtain the corresponding tag. The Call Setup rule can then perform many different manipulations (based on Message Manipulation syntax), including modifying the name of the tag. The tags can be used only in the 'Condition', 'Action Subject' and 'Action Value' fields.